Workplace Mediation

Our workplace mediation services helps to resolve disputes ranging from simple communication issues to complex and challenging concerns.
We aim to complete most face-to-face mediation sessions within one day – swiftly, effectively and with the minimum amount of disruption. Where the dispute concerns more than two individuals we are able to facilitate group mediations.

By acting as an impartial facilitator, a workplace mediator can listen, question, and hel to explore the options in a constructive and private process. Workplace mediation not only helps resolve conflict, it also helps to build bridges to better employee relations.

With the average time taken for an investigation being 20 days, and the potential costs of legal action run into thousands pounds, mediation offers a faster, more empowering and cost effective method of resolving workplace or employment disputes

Mediation is a confidential process, it can be offered to parties at any stage of the dispute

and is also commoniv used to reach compromise agreements between emplovees and

employers as an alternative to a tribunal hearing


Assessment and Agreement

While mediation is effective for many types of workplace and employment disputes, it is vital that each case has a thorough assessment, to ensure suitability. In disputes involving – for example – an insurmountable power

imbalance, or where the attitudes being displayed by parties are incompatible with respectful dialogue, we will advise on other courses of action.

Initial Meetings

We will meet with both parties individually, to listen to the issues as they perceive them, and explain the mediation process and the way forward. At this point we invite disputants to think about the key issues for them and how they might present these issues in a mediation.

At the end of these meetings we re-assess the suitability and value of mediation and make our recommendations to the client.

The Joint Meeting

The joint meeting explores the issues of concern and gives disputants the opportunity to say exactly how they feel about a situation. The mediators are the facilitators of the process and help to build understanding, by encouraging parties to talk openly about what they need. All agreements are made voluntarily and are documented by the mediators. Agreements are shared with the client with the permission of the disputants.


One month after the mediation we will contact all parties to see how the agreement is holding up and assess if further action needs to take place.

We are available for up to 3 months after the mediation for telephone support should that be required.

London Conflict Consultants adhere to the European Code of Conduct for mediators.