Resolving disputes in Lambeth for over 35 years
Lambeth Mediation Service is a conflict resolution charity based in the heart of London’s Borough of Lambeth. Since our founding over thirty years ago, we have helped hundreds of residents in the local community.
Our Core Services
We facilitate conversations for Lambeth neighbours in dispute, leading to a peaceful agreement and common ground of understanding.
Our workplace mediation services helps to resolve disputes ranging from simple communication issues to complex and challenging concerns.
We provide advice and support to individual Lambeth residents experiencing problems with a neighbour through this confidential service.
In the Heart of Lambeth
Mediation can resolve even the most deep-rooted disputes. It has the affirmative potential to challenge perceptions, question assumptions and change attitudes.
Our charity was founded on this principle over thirty years ago by Lambeth residents in response to key community issues.
Since then, we have continued to help hundreds of Lambeth residents through issues such as noise, harassment, littering, pets, boundaries and parking.

"We at HDF very much appreciate the service provided by LMS. It was just what we needed, so very pleased to have found you."
Director at HDF
Our Mediator Community
Are you looking to improve your conflict resolution approaches? Would you like to develop your interpersonal and professional skills? Becoming a volunteer mediator could be a fitting opportunity for you.
Our charity provides regular training and mediation opportunities for our volunteers, many of whom come from Lambeth and are passionate about helping their local community.
We are always open for new recruits. Please get in touch with us if you would like to become a mediator or are interested in our other volunteer roles.